Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Facebook Threatens To Sue TechCrunch Commenter

rick-mugshotLast year, Alexia covered a funny Chrome web browser extension called "Defaceable" that allowed you to comment anonymously on Facebook and on other websites using Facebook Comments. Instead of having to associate your comment with your real name and identity, the Defaceable extension let you once again post your troll-isms to friends' walls and blogs like TechCrunch (which uses Facebook Comments) using the names of fruits.?For example, instead of "John Smith," your comments would identify you as "Peach" or "Watermelon." Oh ha ha. As it turns out, Facebook didn't think it was so funny, and has since taken legal action against the company for violating its Terms of Service. But it hasn't stopped there. Facebook also went after one of the commenters on that blog post, too - a guy named Rick Stratton, who gleefully discovered he made it into the screenshot used to accompany the post. Stratton doesn't work at Defaceable, to be clear, he was just commenting on the post. Apparently, posting "Hey! I made TechCrunch!" is now worthy of legal action.

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